For the love of eating & cooking

Tell me what you eat, and I will tell you who you are - Brillat-Savarin

Cooking is like love. It should be entered into with abandon or not at all - Harriet Van Horne

THE COOK, THE WIFE, THE MUM, THE LIFE...why this blog was birthed

Here lies the secret 'attic' space to unleash the creative overload of one desperate housewife whose desperation is derived from being held hostage by two too-cute toddlers and the extremely cruel demands of domestic life...exciting content includes recipes of success and disasters, crafting,creative writing and the ramblings of the COOK, the WIFE & the MUM(same woman)who reckons there is valid purpose in striving for whatever is deemed to be domestic bliss...

Friday, June 18, 2010

Caramel Kueh (with dessicated coconut)

There're just some kuehs that you can't go wrong with, such as those you can whip up in a jiffy without worrying about whether you'll attain the right texture of skin or whether the taste will turn out right. I love this easy, light and fluffy sweetish Malay-style kueh, great for tea, breakfast or best as an asian dessert to finish off an asian style meal, like Nasi Lemak which I made for dinner last night.  Trust me, it never fails to please and as a dessert it belongs to the hall of exotic, beating any western type cake or dessert to a pulp!

You'll need:
200g white sugar
100ml hot water
5 T powdered milk
200g flour
1/2 tsp bicarb
4 eggs
6 T sugar
pinch of salt (for serving only)
100g grated coconut or dessicated coconut (for serving only)

1. Melt sugar on its own in a saucepan on low to medium heat until it caramelises and turns golden brown.  Add the hot water at this stage and bring to a boil until the caramel dissolves completely to a syrup.

2. Sift powdered milk, flour and bicarbonate of soda in a medium bowl.  Meanwhile, heat the steamer with some moulds.

3. Beat eggs and sugar together until mixture is fluffy and light.

4. Fold in the sifted flour mixture into the caramel syrup and then fold in the egg mixture.

5. Sieve the whole batter if there are any lumps.

6. Fill the moulds (just 3/4 full) and steam for 8-10 minutes, or until done. Cool the kueh before removing them from the moulds. Sprinkle some coconut and salt on top of each kueh before serving.